速報APP / 遊戲 / Use The Force

Use The Force



檔案大小:9.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Use The Force(圖1)-速報App

Close Your Eyes and...... Use The Force is a super addictive game for all types of players. Anyone who enjoys a quick gaming fix will love this game. The new game with a big twist - you can play with or without looking at the screen! HOW??? Read on....

This app has been produced with the blind and visually impaired in mind. You may have heard of other pick up and play apps that are only suited to sighted players. Well here is an app that sighted, blind and visually impaired friends can compete on a level playing field. Using touch and sound only to get the best score, blind and visually impaired players can use their senses, while sighted players can close their eyes and 'Use The Force'.

Use The Force(圖2)-速報App

We have been working very hard to bring an easy to pick up, fun, arcade game for the blind and partially sighted community and we are very happy that this game breaks down the boundaries that are usually attributed with this game playing genre.

This game uses crystal clear, simple colours on the screen to help the partially sighted, but the best and most adventurous way to play is with our new unique gaming sound system to help guide you in your journey to get the best possible score.

Use The Force(圖3)-速報App

It has Game Center capability so you can compare your scores with all your friends.

Go on... no need to look at all... just... USE THE FORCE!!!

Use The Force(圖4)-速報App
